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Waves of Healing (eBook)

Waves of Healing (eBook) by Siri Atma S Khalsa Md

Siri Atma S Khalsa MD

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Kundalini Yoga - Balancing Your Ten Bodies and Listening to the Voice of Your Soul

Printed version also available - $32.90

Siri Atma Singh's book, Waves of Healing, is filled with the ancient yogic wisdom of Yogi Bhajan. In it you will learn how important it is to be true to yourself and how to listen to the voice of your soul. Developing this ability will certainly play a crucial role in your future level of health and healing. You may think you have only have one body to care for, but in fact you have ten. Discover previously unpublished Kundalini Yoga kriyas for each of these Ten Bodies with accompanying meditations.

Dr. Khalsa shares this wisdom originally learned from Yogi Bhajan, as well as his own personal insights on yoga, healing and medicine, based on many years of practical experience. These teachings are designed to elevate the human spirit and to guide you in finding your true self.

You will also discover how to balance your ten bodies - your soul, negative, positive and neutral minds, the physical body, the arc line, aura, pranic, subtle and radiant bodies - so you can then clearly tune into the voice of your soul.


Packed with Useful Information
Waves of Healing is packed with useful information about the nature of our 10 Bodies as seen through the lens of Kundalini Yoga. The sets and meditations helped me to recognize and connect to my Ten Bodies which helped increase my self awareness. The book is also an excellent teaching manual.

So many Insights and Precious Perspectives
Waves of Healing has been an excellent resource of kriyas and meditations for each one of our Radiances (yogic bodies) which allows me to work in a very focused way on myself or use them as teaching material. The write up and photos are clear and to the point. This aspect of the book will be a lifetime companion! But there is also all the valuable information Dr. Siri Atma Singh shares with us of his personal journey and discovery with the teachings. So many insights and precious perspectives that became an integral part of my understanding of yoga, meditation, a Spiritual Teacher, and the Spiritual Path itself. Few authors have the depth he has and the ability to share it such a clear and accessible way.

Healing only happens when Consciousness changes. This book did just THAT for me: it changed my consciousness and it brought healing. On so many levels! Transformative, would be the best way to describe it.

A Must for Everyone's Kundalini Yoga Library
When I received my copy of Waves of Healing, I knew immediately this was a very special book. I was aware, the Author Siri Atma S. Khalsa, MD is also a Kundalini Teacher and has been for many years, and the fact that he is a physician really piqued my interest. Also familiar with his workshops as well. Dr. Siri Atma shares his personal journey of yoga, healing and medicine throughout the book. You will find a refreshing reminder of the basics plus a clear path to understanding the 10 bodies along with kriyas and meditations. Lots of information, quotes, pictures and description of poses and clear instructions anyone can follow. This book is a must for everyone's kundalini yoga library.

Clearly Written and Easy to Understand
Waves of Healing" has been one of my favorite yoga manuals for a few years now. The in-depth description of each of The Ten Bodies has helped deepen my personal practice and been insightful for my students. Dr. Siri Atma provides a kriya and meditation for each Body. The instructions for the kriyas are clearly written and easy to understand with large color photographs.


Siri Atma S Khalsa MD

Siri Atma Singh Khalsa, MD is an engaging speaker in the field of yoga, healing and medicine. A KRI Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer, he teaches at Yoga Centers, Solstices and Teacher Training programs worldwide with his wife Nam Kaur.


  • File Size(s) & Update(s):
         EPUB - 8.454MB - 08/08/18
         PDF - 18.600MB - 08/08/18
  • ePublication date: 08/08/2018
  • Catalog: e05301
  • Print-length: 239 pages
  • ISBN: 9780615295558
  • Publisher: Yogic Reality; Printed Edition: 2014
  • Yoga Technology Sales Ranking (e-products): 13