Kundalini Yoga for Women - Effective Empowerment Techniques to Set You Free
Printed version also available - $39.95
This e-version of The Gift of Womanhood by Guru Rattana, Ph.D., a best-selling Kundalini Yoga manual specially for women, offers to every woman a profound formula and effective transformational techniques for liberating her psyche. In so doing, it also reveals a ground-breaking approach to women’s empowerment.
There are simple methods to decode your mysterious design and guides for you to awaken to your authentic identity as a sacred woman. Using her deep insights and sensitivity, the author illuminates a unique spiritual path for you to follow, based on Kundalini Yoga and Meditation techniques specially adapted for women.
This book includes 31 Kundalini Yoga sets and 25 meditations, all fully illustrated and specifically chosen to create physical and emotional balance and internal harmony.
As a woman, you are a mystery.
Everyone loves mysteries, so enjoy being one!
But never be a mystery to yourself!
Original and Profound
The message in Gift of Womanhood is original, profound, and a new milestone in spiritual writing and woman studies.
Profound Wisdom
The Gift of Womanhood offers us profound wisdom --Woman’s spiritual path is about having an experience of her authentic identity as a sacred woman. If women could only understand the sacredness of being a woman, we would treat ourselves so differently. This is very important knowledge to share with women of all ages. And now Guru Rattana has written the instructions. Her wisdom is revelatory, inspiring, and liberating.
For Women, but also Beneficial for Men!
Though the book is written for women, there is so much knowledge and insight about human nature, the psyche, and the path of spiritual growth and empowerment that any man will benefit a great deal as well. I feel so privileged and touched to read about the true identity and potential of all women.
Therapy - No More!
If I had had this manual before, it could have saved me ten years of therapy. The good news is that it will save me 20 more years of therapy. This wisdom changed my life from fate to destiny, from anguish to happiness.
Women's Bible
You said about your book : This is the Women's Bible. Yes, The Gift of Womanhood, in my opinion, is an endless resource when it comes to awakening, experiencing and understanding our original essence as women.
I have been practicing and working from your book for years and I can say that I always discover new dimensions and aspects. This opens my creativity and i can manifest my unique gifts. To write such an important and essential book, one must be very dedicated and deeply involved with personal experience and understanding. This is you. I'm grateful and blessed by knowing you in this life.
Guru Rattana PhD, author, teacher, teacher of teachers, enjoys a huge world-wide following for her popular range of Kundalini Yoga books. Her very readable and inspiring approach reflects an experience gained from over 40 years of daily practice.
- File Size(s) & Update(s):
PDF - 8.632MB - 08/14/18 - ePublication date: 08/01/2018
- Catalog: e01103
- Print-length: 333 pages
- ISBN: 9781888029109
- Publisher: Yoga Technology Press; Printed Edition: 2012
- Yoga Technology Sales Ranking (e-products): 6