Uncover those Powerful Keys to your Lusciousness
Wouldnt most people love it if there was an Essence Store, where you could just go buy your essence back? Or an energy drink or shake that would just reactivate your essence? Easy Breezy as saying Essence come back! and it would come running, calling your name like the lost lover it is. Welcome to Planet Earth, the planet you came to work on and with YOU. I want to make this work into play, otherwise why bother? Who needs more drudgery?
The wonderful thing about you is that there is so much more juiciness to you. Do you want to:
- Uncover those dangerous and powerful keys to your lusciousness, the joy, the vastness of you?
- Remind yourself what it felt like to enjoy the world and delight in what was coming your way?
- Feel lighter, younger and more connected with your work? If so, then this book is for you.
In my line of work, overwhelm is the norm. This brought me back to a state of grace and ease which attracted much more prosperity for me, my business and my clients. I am grateful for all that I have received from you. –
I feel more relaxed, ready to embrace my work with renewed creativity and passion, and most of all see my entire life with a much more expanded vision of what is possible. I have attracted miracles since working with you. –
I feel ready and able to embrace the wonder and love that is flooding my life now. I look forward to more of your wonderful tools and insights to empower me in the future. – Dana Edwards
For over 40 years, Gurutej Kaur has been teaching people in the US, Canada and Europe how to connect to their higher consciousness through Kundalini Yoga, chanting, meditation and healing. She specializes in pre and postnatal yoga, and yoga for women and children. In 1998, along with Gurmukh, she founded the Golden Bridge Yoga Center in Los Angeles. Every day she lives the meaning of her Sikh name, which translates as "the one who brings you from darkness into light."
- File Size(s) & Update(s):
EPUB - 0.532MB - 12/11/18
PDF - 2.271MB - 12/11/18 - ePublication date: 12/11/2018
- Catalog: e05404
- Print-length: 291 pages
- Publisher: Energy Gurus; Printed Edition: 2018
- Yoga Technology Sales Ranking (e-products): 50