Inspiring and Elevating Exploration of Physical and Subtle Human Anatomy
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Representing the complexities of the human body in a refreshing new and approachable style, Enlightened Bodies forms an essential guide for Kundalini Yoga practitioners and teachers, and anyone else, wishing to gain a deeper understanding of the human body, and to find new and better ways of incorporating complementary health practices within their routines or teaching. It combines studies as diverse as anatomy, physiology and ancient yogic teachings to at once both inspire and elevate the reader.
Multiple perspectives include:
- Human anatomy
- Ayurveda
- Kundalini Yoga
- Traditional Chinese medicine
- Self-care
- Other lifestyle traditions
Nirmal Lumpkin is a Kundalini Yoga teacher, teacher trainer and co-author of the book Enlightened Bodies, who specializes in physical and yogic anatomy and postures. She gains the most satisfaction from helping clients and students on their path to their highest and healthiest life.
- File Size(s) & Update(s):
EPUB - 17.200MB - 06/15/18 - ePublication date: 06/15/2018
- Catalog: e07082
- Print-length: 285 pages
- ISBN: 9781934532003
- Publisher: KRI; Printed Edition: 2016
- Yoga Technology Sales Ranking (e-products): 17