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Fly Like a Butterfly

Fly Like a Butterfly by Shakta Khalsa

Shakta Khalsa

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Takes Children on a Fun-filled Yoga Romp

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Fly Like a Buttefly by Shakta Khalsa takes children on a fun-filled romp of yoga interlaced with stories, songs and quiet time. Beautiful photos of her young students holding simple yoga poses guide readers through the book. Written with the beginner in mind, the book is designed so parents can read along with their children. Older children can read for themselves using the photos as guides. A must for parents and teachers interested in movement, self-esteem, quieting the mind and body, and all-out fun!

An ever-growing number of parents and teachers are becoming aware of the benefits of yoga for children. Although yoga has enjoyed popularity with adults for many years, it is only recently that we have come to understand how helpful it can be for children in their formative years, increasing their self-awareness, building their self-esteem, and strengthening their bodies - truly a welcomed oasis in a culture that offers little in the way of mindful yet active play.

The yoga in this book is dynamic, bursting with imaginary animals and stories which capture the children, who in their delight have no clue how healthy and relaxed they are becoming. One could almost call it "creative movement", except that it contains all the essential ingredients of yoga - breath awareness, mind-body fitness, and the opportunity to experience the "self within".

The body is made to do yoga. Yoga postures and angles create certain pressures to stimulate the body and brain, making the necessary changes to become a healthy, happy and whole person.

This thoroughly charming presentation of yoga for children is a real treasure. With captivating photographs and delightful stories to motivate everyone's participation, parents and teachers will enjoy using Shakta Kaur's marvelous book, and generations of children will love it, over and over and over again! -


Shakta Khalsa

Shakta Khalsa (Lana Reed) has practiced yoga since 1972 and became a certified Kundalini Yoga instructor in 1976. She is also an AMS-certified Montessori educator. She is the author of a number of well-known books for adults and children as well as the writer of frequent magazine articles, and promoter of her own Radiant Child program – aimed at introducing Kundalini Yoga to children in a fun and inviting manner.


  • Book softcover 116 pages
  • ISBN: 9780915801848
  • Publisher: Shining Circle, Edition: 1998
  • Catalog: P18031
  • Product Dimensions: 9.8 x 7.5 x 0.4 inches (24.9 x 19.0 x 1.0 cm)
  • Shipping Weight: 0.9 lbs (0.41 kg)  -  Shipping Options
  • Yoga Technology Sales Ranking (all products): 324