Kundalini Yoga

Meditation for Courage, Prosperity, and to Remove All Obstacles

This meditation is powerful and recommended anytime you feel stuck, need to be more grounded, and want to attract prosperity.

This is a classic Kundalini Yoga meditation for courage, fearlessness, and a strong aura and radiant body. The story goes that Guru Gobind Singh (the tenth Sikh Guru who drew the sword to fight for justice and truth.) and his soldiers chanted this mantra to prepare for and while engaging in battle. We too can chant it to give ourselves strength to deal with our life challenges.


This meditation has 40 sounds, which together balance the 5 tattvas (air, water, fire, earth, and ether), the 7 chakras and the arch line. This mantra can penetrate into anything and help avoid misfortune. It has the power to break through any resistance or obstacles. It is sacred but it is not secret. This meditation was given by Yogi Bhajan to be successful during these challenging times and to deal with the intensity of the energy during the shift to the Aquarian Age.

Before chanting, pick one life challenge that seems difficult to deal with and place it in your heart while you chant this mantra. Let the energy infuse the situation. While chanting focus on the mantra and its energetic effects. Pumping the navel with each HAR will keep you present in your body, but you can get totally absorbed into the sounds and feel very refreshed afterwards. You may be surprised how you feel about your current situation.

Prosperity and Presence

This meditation was also given as a prosperity meditation. There is one basic requirement for prosperity and manifesting ‘You have to be home when the postman comes.’ In other words you have to be grounded in your body on Planet Earth and not floating around in the ethers.

Pumping your navel in this meditation can keep you present. But if you have any propensity for being ungrounded and spaced out while meditating and in life, then do this mediation in archer pose. 5-11 minutes on each side. You will become super present, strong, and magnetic. If you resist the thought, then this meditation in archer pose is for you!


Sit in easy pose with the hands in gyan mudra (thumb and forefinger touching) on the knees, elbows straight. Chant this mantra 11-31 minutes in the morning before starting your day to program your psyche for success and courage, to uplift your spirits, to create an aura of invincibility, and a super strong radiant body. (You will glow in the dark. :+) You may find that 11 minutes is not enough. You want to keep going and get rejuvenated by the sounds. 15 or 22 minutes is good and 31 minutes is very satisfying and empowering.

Repeat before each of the eight aspects of the Divine HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR

Pump your navel center with each HAR. Be sure to touch the tip of the tongue to the upper palate when you are making the ‘R’ of HAR and the ‘N’ in the other mantras. The ‘R’ will the be enunciated correctly to stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands and awaken the frontal lobe and neutral mind.

Chant in a monotone, enunciating clearly each syllable. Do not mumble, move your mouth to make the sounds.

HAR is a manifesting mantra. The other eight mantras are aspects of the Divine. Chanting HAR before each aspect pulls that energy into our physical and subtle bodies.

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR GOBINDE—Go bin day–Sustainer

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR MUKUNDE—Mu kun day–Liberator

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR UDARE—Oo dar ay–Enlightener

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR APARE—A par ay–Infinite

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR HARING—Har e ung–Destroyer

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR KARING—Kar e ung–Creator

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR NIRNAME—Nir na may–Nameless

HAR, HAR, HAR, HAR AKAME—A ka may—Desireless

When you have finished sit quietly and feel the effects of the meditation in your physical body, aura, and radiant body. Consolidate, contain, and radiate love. Be available for intuitive messages about your current life challenge. They may come directly after the meditation or later in the day. Be available to listen to your soul.

4 thoughts on “Meditation for Courage, Prosperity, and to Remove All Obstacles”

  1. Sat Nam, I started doing the meditation in archer pose and I am loving it!
    At this point I am doing it for 5 1/2 minutes at each side but I definitely am going to do it longer as soon as it is possible for my legs and knees 🙂 Now I would like to know if it is possible to do the whole 31 minutes in archer pose or if 11 minutes per side is the maximum… Thank you!
    Love and light
    Rasjot Kaur

  2. I have found a music track with this meditation. I’ve found it on a cd: “kundalini meditation music” with the artist:Gurunam. It’s available on Guru Rattanas webshop. It’s a cd with various artists. Sat Nam Lena Öberg

  3. Sat Nam, Thank you so much for this mantra. Is there any music track to help to chant along, which you could recommend? Lots of blessings

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