
In the Scorpio Zone 2013

October 22 – The Sun shines in Scorpio

from October 22 – 4:02 PM PDT (11:02 PM GMT) through November 22

Scorpio confronts us with the subconscious programming that is holding us back and preventing us from being free, happy, and at peace. We can feel that this is true. However the process of identifying, defining, and liberating ourselves from past conditions takes time, commitment, boldness, and honesty. Bringing light to our darkness is not the fun part of our spiritual path. Many resist the confrontation and find excuses to try something else. Many also leave their spiritual practice at this point and claim that it doesn’t work or produce the promised results.

The month that the Sun shines in Scorpio is an inner testing period and this year is particularly intense and confrontative.

November 1 – Uranus – Pluto Square at 9 degrees Aires/Capricorn

November 1 Uranus (Aries) and Pluto (Capricorn) form the fourth of seven exact squares.

(The first three took place on June 24, 2012, September 19, 1012, and May 20, 2013.) You might recollect the intensity and the challenges you were facing during the previous alignments. We will face the same on-going issues — (1) Who am I in the world? (2) What is my contribution, and how can I align my life so I can do my destiny and release myself from past karma? Whatever our life challenges, we won’t be able to escape the powerful energies, which we can experience as undue stress, tension, or conflict often without an easily identifiable cause. (That is Scorpio territory!) The good news about square formations is that we are motivated and supported to do something about our situation.

November 3 – Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse

4:50 AM PST (12:50 PM GMT)

Solar eclipses challenge us to close the door of the last phase of our life and to open a new door. Major endings and beginnings are accompanied with shifts in consciousness, which are the foundation for moving to the next level in both our inner and outer lives. At the solar eclipse the Moon blocks the Sun’s light. Our outer garments no longer conceal our inner fears. We have to look at what conceals the light of our soul.

The Sun, Mercury, the North Node and Saturn all in Scorpio intensify the need to develop our relationship with our inner self, our deep feminine — feelings, emotions, subconscious, and personal power. Whatever we deny, repress, and reject clamors for attention by creating problems in our lives. Whatever we disown remains a deep wound that festers until it is acknowledged, accepted, and loved. We heal by bringing what is unconscious into consciousness.

We need to understand that what we call our shadow is energy where the light of our soul has not yet shined. Our dark side is not bad; it is asleep. Our awakening process transforms these primal energies of our soul into powers — courage, strength, patience, kindness, compassion, and humility.

November 6 — Jupiter in Cancer goes retrograde

at 20 degrees Cancer though March, 2014, reaching 20 degrees Cancer again on June 1, 2014.

Where do we look outside ourselves for nurturing and comfort? How can we better nurture ourselves from within and find satisfaction in our own psyche?

November 10 – Mercury goes direct

at 2 degrees Scorpio

Take advantage of the slow movement as both Mercury and Neptune change directions to enjoy deep meditation. These days offer us a chance to experience our inner connection with silence, stillness, and the peace of our soul. (Mercury is in Scorpio from September 29 through December 4.)

November 13 – Neptune goes direct

at 2 degrees Pisces

Mercury and Neptune form a trine, which facilitates our inner awakening and connection with our emotions, feelings, and instinctual and intuitive intelligence. Take meditative time to feel, without thinking and trying to figure everything out.

November 17 – Taurus Full Moon

7:17 AM PST (3:17 PM GMT)

Scorpio’s polarity Taurus wants to enjoy the beauty and physical pleasures of the Mother Earth. Our Taurus journey is about relating in a functional, respectful, and kind way with the physical world and our physical incarnation. Our lessons include (1) releasing attachment to material things as a source of security, (2) ‘being here now’ and not escaping into out-of-the-body detachment, (3) defining what we really want and need, within the physical limits of material reality, and (4) valuing ourselves and our unique talents. All of the above align us with our soul and make ourselves into a vessel to serve Spirit.

At the Taurus full moon, the Sun, Mercury, the North Node, and Saturn all in Scorpio urge us to look beneath the radar and identify what has heretofore been hidden from our awareness that wants to wake up and be loved. We can move to the next level of the inner alchemy of our soul by transmuting primal energies that were once destructive into friendly allies. The Scorpio/Taurus polarity pair teaches us that (1) Death leads to rebirth. (2) Detachment leads to lightness of being. (3) Acceptance of what is liberates our soul to align with the Divine.

November 19 – Chiron in Pisces goes direct

at 9 degrees Pisces (after being retrograde since June 16)

Our most elementary healing happens as we realize our oneness and connection with Spirit. While Chiron was retrograde, we had a chance to become more aware of this reality. Now it is time to practice living from this realization, i.e. (1) trust that you are supported, (2) relax into Divine Timing, (3) enjoy feeling your oneness with the Divine.

November 24 and 28 -Venus and Ceres add Love to the mix

November 24 Venus (traditional ruler of Taurus) squares Uranus and joins Pluto in Capricorn. On November 28, Ceres in Libra (feminine asteroid of nurturing named after the Great Mother Goddess) squares Pluto and opposes Uranus. Both add the power of the nurturing Feminine Flow to the Uranus/Pluto square. Relax, be kind to yourself and others. Everyone in their own way is trying to upgrade their relationship with themselves, each other, the Earth, and the Infinite. We are all experiencing the same intensity. Only our scripts differ. Compassion, kindness, and patience are our best friends.

The Power of Neutral

See my blog on The Powers of Neutral, where I share excerpts from my new book, The Power of Neutral — Soul Alchemy in Meditation


Guru Rattana :+)


Austin, Stephanie, Scorpio Solar Eclipse – November 3, Taurus Full Moon – November17, The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #171, Oct/Nov, 2013.