
Equinox, Lunar Eclipse, Aries — Change!

Do you feel something going on? You are not alone! There was a dramatic energy shift when the Sun moved from Pisces to Aries. The Pisces archetype is more impersonal and divine. The day the Sun went into Aries and the Spring Equinox, Aries sent out a strong message urging us to create a profound attitude shift in the way we live our lives.

Aries is in your face personal. ‘How does life feel in your human body?’ Aries insists that we enjoy being alive in our body and that we consciously feel the fire of Spirit animating and directing our lives. Aries says ‘Wake up and be available to life as it unfolds in and all around us at every moment. Be totally present to breathing, sensations, and messages from our soul.

There are many astrological indicators that encourage a profound change in attitude and a dramatic transformation in our lives.

(1) February 8th was the first day of the Year of the Fire Monkey — passionate, purposeful, fun!

(2) March 8-9 the Libra Full Moon Solar Eclipse announced major endings and awakening to new beginnings.

(3) March 19-20 the Sun moves into Aries, welcoming Spring (in the Northern Hemisphere) and initiating a new journey through the zodiac.

(4) March 23 the Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse jolts us into an internal awaking.

(5) April 17 the Aries New Moon propels us forward to another phase of our personal journey.

March 19-20 – Spring Equinox, the Sun Shines in Aries

9:30 PM PDT, 4:30 GMT

The Sun enters Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, beginning a new astrological year. We fly solo in Aries territory, where we must befriend what is yet unknown and unexplored. We embark on a new adventure with the fire of our spirit ignited and desirous of new revelations.

March 23 – Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

5:00 AM PDT, 12:00 GMT

Lunar eclipses happen on and intensify full moons. They illuminate limiting emotional patterns that we need to recognize and release. As the Moon passes through the shadow of the Earth, we become conscious of fear-based habits and tendencies that have been buried in our subconscious. We become aware of how certain compulsions drive and disrupt our lives. We also experience more clarity. Our intuition speaks to us. We awaken to new possibilities and opportunities.

At this Full Moon Eclipse, Neptune, Venus, Ceres, Chiron, and the South Node remain in Pisces, reminding us to hold on to our dreams and use Aries energy to take the next steps toward realizing them.

Libra teaches us that we are always in relationship — with ourselves and with others — and that the former determines the latter. The Libra Lunar Eclipse precipitates some wake up calls in the area of relationships. (Remember eclipses start affecting us a week or more before the actual event.)

Aries advises us to investigate our own inner reality and what we are projecting on others, instead of blaming others and focusing on what we believe they are doing to us. We may realize that we are playing a lose-lose game together, and that is time to change the game. Either we use this moment to upgrade our relationship, or we move on. This can be both a painful and liberating experience.

Libra reminds us to observe before we make judgment calls, and then to avoid judgment all together. When we can be honest about where we are coming from and make some needed adjustments, the nature of our interactions can change. It is a wonderful experience to witness how changing ourselves transforms our outer lives. Give it a try in a current life challenge and enjoy the results!

Libra’s touchstone is neutral. We can keep our balance in the center of the scales in our neutral mind. Neutral awakens us to unconditional love. Detached we can be ourselves in relationship and others can be themselves too! When in doubt – be neutral. When not in doubt, be neutral too!.

Important Eclipse Messages and Self-Investigation

Planetary alignments at this Eclipse Full Moon send us important messages.

1. Be honest with ourselves and others. The basic theme is to get out of denial.

2. Pay attention to what we are feeling and listen to our feelings as messages from our soul.

3. Don’t confuse compassion (neutral heart) with co-dependence (emotional neediness.)

4. Relate to our body, emotions, and Mother Earth as sacred gifts manifested.

5. Feel deeply the presence of Spirit/Divine Love in our body and in Mother Nature.

6. Investigate the motivations and assumptions that direct our lives and define our life path.

7. Where and how can we be more true to ourselves and our soul?

March 25 – Saturn Turns Retrograde

Saturn is introspective through August 13 when our inner task master returns direct. We have almost 5 months to patiently and lovingly look inside with the intension of identifying and releasing programs and beliefs that are standing in the way of our happiness, inner peace, and destiny path. Saturn retrograde offers us a yearly self-analysis session with our inner critic. Befriending ‘our worst enemy’ can greatly facilitate our ability to be functional emotional adults. We find out that Saturn is our staunchest supporter and a source of unwavering strength.

April 17 – Aries New Moon

4:23 AM PDT, 11:23 GMT

This is a ‘follow your heart’ new moon. The Sun, Moon, Venus and Uranus are all now in Aries. This is the second of six Super Moons this year. (The Moon is in its nearest approach to the Earth and thus has the most impact on our psyches).

New moons are optimal times to set new intentions and begin new projects. The alignments at this Aries New Moon give us signals to go for a major change in at least one area of our lives. In Aries territory our convictions are challenged and our resolution to go for what we really want is tested (and supported.)

It is important to identify where in our lives we have outgrown our circumstances and where we feel blocked and unable to move forward in the old ways that we are accustomed to. We may feel like we have hit a wall or reached a low point in this area. These are sure signs that we ready to start a new journey and to be initiated into the next level of awakening.

New is the predominate theme. Familiar, comfortable, convenient, customary do NOT apply. We are blazing a new trail, discovering a new path, and awakening to possibilities as we go. Entering the unknown takes courage, but don’t wait until you feel comfortably courageous. Courageous means that we are willing to take a leap of faith and move ahead in spite of fear. Our inner Aries is ready for a new adventure, new experiences, and a new attitude!

The Sun squares Pluto at 17 degrees Capricorn just one day before the New Moon and joins Uranus at 20 degrees Aries two days afterward. Uranus destabilizes situations that need to change. Pluto exposes what internal programming causes us to give away our power and stay tethered to what is no longer workable and relevant in our lives.

Mutable T-square – Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune

At the Aries New Moon, Saturn (16 degrees Sagittarius), Jupiter (15 degrees Virgo), and Neptune (11 degrees Pisces) form squares and an opposition urging us to take action to support our dreams. Virgo insists on being pragmatic. Pisces supports our visions. Sagittarius tells us to speak and act from an honest heart.

April 17 – Mars Goes Retrograde

Just 19 hours before Pluto, Mars turns retrograde at 9 degrees Sagittarius. Mars goes direct June 29 at 23 degrees Scorpio. It reaches 9 degrees Sagittarius again on August 22. We have over 2 months when our active Mars energy directs us to look inward. Our task is to examine, and reposition if necessary, where we are pointing the arrow of our heart.

April 18 – Pluto Goes Retrograde

Pluto’s yearly retrograde period lasts for a little over 3 months (until September 26.) Interfacing with the Aries New Moon, we are invited to examine not only where we are holding ourselves back, but to acknowledge the progress we have made. Honestly, have you not prepared yourself for a change? Make note of inner and outer shifts that set the stage for a new chapter in your life.

Kundalini Yoga

Be sure to remember your Kundalini Yoga practice during this time of change. Do your favorite Kundalini Yoga kriya and meditation. They all work! The important thing is to stay present in feeling awareness and feel yourself becoming more and more alive and awake. Take advantage of the Aries spirit to enjoy the gift of life in your body. For beginners check out Volumes I and II of my revised Introduction to Kundalini Yoga. Special discount from Yoga Technology when you buy the set!

References and Footnote

Austin, Stephanie, Libra Lunar Eclipse – March 23, The Mountain Astrologer, February/March 2016, p. 105.

Austin, Stephanie, Aries New Moon – April 7, The Mountain Astrologer, April/May 2016, p. 93.

Introduction to Kundalini Yoga, Volume 1Introduction to Kundalini Yoga, Volume 2, Guru Rattana, PhD

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